Meet Model Asia Kennedy Wiggins!

Hi Asia! So we want to thank you again for allowing us to feature you for Our Spring/Summer 2018 Photoshoot! No problem, it was a fun, great shoot.
So before we getting started... we would like to learn a little bit more about you. Ok, so what is your full name? My full name is Asia Kennedy Wiggins, but a lot of people know me by Asia Kennedy and think Kennedy is actually my last name.

Where were you born? And what High School did you graduate from? I was born in North Georgia, but raised here in Chattanooga, since about the 2nd grade, and I graduated high school from CSAS.

So how old are you and what is your current occupation? I’m 23, and I'm currently a manager at Tazikis downtown on Market Street, but that's just what I'm doing while I'm in school. That's about to change though, because I'm moving to Baton Rouge, La next weekend! Exciting and scary, but those always seem to be the best experiences, the ones that scare you a little and keep you alert.

So how exactly did you get started in modeling?
I started modeling my sophomore year of high school, and it was smaller things like local photographers who were at my high school and just starting or even local hair shows. It's always been more of a hobby than an occupation for me, but I’ve always loved how I feel when I shoot and the confidence and calm I get from it.

So where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? Do you want to make modeling a long term career?
In 5 years, I will hopefully be finishing up with a graduate degree, who knows if that’ll be a masters and doctorates or if that’ll be a law degree. I do not plan on doing modeling as my long term career and occupation, but it’s a hobby and interest I hope to always take part in and keep around.

What advice would you give the young girl who looks up to you and would like to someday be in your shoes?
To young girls, I would say to always always be bold, always be open, and always be curious. Be bold in yourself and what you can do and have faith in yourself and your abilities. Be open to working on yourself and becoming the best you that you can be, even if it hurts your ego, see what you see about yourself, good and bad, and respond to it according. And always be curious in a world that offers never ending knowledge that you can use to expand yourself and your mind.

How did it feel to be a model for Edwina LaShan? How was the styling process? I feel like I’m supposed to be there, like the scene and that moment was tailored for me. I enjoy the thought and execution that comes with the fashion world- people don't understand the attention for detail that it can take.
Modeling for Edwina LaShan was overall a great shoot and styling experience, and the creative details were amazing. It takes a very special eye to place things together as they were done in this shoot, and as someone who enjoys fashion, you have to appreciate, love and acknowledge the effort.

Awww... Thank you again Asia!
Here’s to many more years of success! You slayed this shoot and we could not have thought of a better person to represent Our Brand!
Kudos to you and Many More Prayers and Blessings to you on your move to Baton Rouge!